I prepared myself for the long list of judges, and scribbled the names on an old water bill envelope. I was in and out in record time. I utilized the touch screen and casted my vote.
I brought my son along with me to check out the process. He watched and was quiet and he observed how I checked off my chosen candidates. I was proud to have him come along and was thankful that he was off from school for the day. My son is asleep now and I had to resist the urge to wake him up to see history being made. I wanted him to hear the concession speech of McCain. Obama's speech is still up-and-coming. I'm sure he will hear the updates on tomorrow's news. It may not mean anything to him now, but I'm sure in his own observatory ways he will take something from this experience.

I'm getting his backpack ready for the morning rush and noticed the stickers that he has been collecting on his take-home folder. My son can recall the story behind the acquisition of each one. Like the Gabriella sticker that he was able to snag from his 2.5 year old sister. Not with force did he obtain the sticker but with his words. My son presented the take-home folder as a "cool" place to showcase the High School Musical cutie. I smile when I see the "I voted" sticker because I know he will remember how he received this sticker from the election judge. He may not know how history is being made as of this moment, but he will live in this moment's time of change.

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