I recently bought pumpkins and chose the ones that I liked. I chose from a plethora of stemless, bumpy, craggy and oddly shaped ones , to smooth and symmetrical ones with out any blemishes. I figured I liked the bumpy and craggy ones more than the 'perfect' pumpkins. I made my decisions based on personal preference.

I make decisions all the time throughout the day. I am faced with decisions from the time I wake up to the time that I go to sleep and close my eyes. When I wake up I am faced with the decision of, 'Will I let my alarm snooze 9 minutes longer?' (impossible for that since my early morning risers do not have external snooze buttons). Everyday I make decisions for my children based on what works best for them, and for me. I already know what makes them cranky. They whine and cry when they are hungry, tired, uncomfortable, or sick. There are some 'in-between' factors, but these are the main reasons. I listen to advice given to me, but ultimately, I make the decision. I make my decision based on what is in my kids' best interest and in the interest of myself and my husband. Only time will tell if they will grow up to be a lady and gentlemen. For now here are images of the little devils that pull my tender heart strings.

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