I do not take credit for the words in the title. These words come from the mission statement of St. Philip Neri's congregation. I wanted to pass along the emotion that settled over me when I witnessed wondrous music and song on a bright summer Sunday. The melodious voices heard matched the rhythmic beats of the musical instruments. Unfortunately, our late attendance only allowed for the last pew and thus, being unable to view the musicians and choir of St. Philip Neri happened only at communion. But it was here, at the time of communion that tears welled up in my eyes and made my son curious to ask me, "How come you are crying?" And all I could answer while controlling what would have been a waterfall of tears was, "Because I'm happy." The music selection during communion was "I'm In Love With Jesus" If you know this song then you may have felt the same when you first heard it sung. The angelic voice of the young singer was so strong and beautiful that all emotion poured out of me. I felt blessed and privileged to hear how this same faith based community worships and praises God. It was also the words of St. Philip Neri's pastor, Father Duris, "When you put your faith in God there is no need for worry," I felt like this message was hitting close to home. Might this be the answer to all my anxieties? Could this be a New Direction?