Driving up to this building you kind of wonder what could be housed in this older hospital? The facade is cracked and old. The buildings that comprise this hospital are mismatched and kind of pieced together as an afterthought. It is only when you enter the building and find that the people who work in the hospital are the ones that make this facility one-of-a-kind. The direct patient care that I have witnessed Griffin receive has been, well more than I can explain. I am reassured by the knowledge and care of the staff that make up for the lack in luster of the hospital.
Working late at night is when I get most of my work done. With the recent events my inspiration is 10 fold. I feel my inspirations and ideas ready to flow out and over me like champagne bubbles in it's flute. I hope to highlight events and happenings as they occur. With the help of my light (which happens to be switched off in this image) I try to focus my eyes on the screen and organize my thoughts. This image is one of the firsts with the Nikon 17-55 mm f/2.8 G IF-ED AF-S DX Zoom Lens-Nikkor that Paul purchased from Sharp. (44mm, 1/60sec, f2.8, DX 17-55mm). My work is continuously progressing and will be changing as the days move forward. Tell me what you think.
So with current events unfolding I figured I would write a few thoughts about you. One look at you and you can flash that smile that extends from ear to ear, and at times convey a mischievous look. A look that says I may be getting into something and you better watch out for me. I always felt safety rules were made with you in mind. Do you know who you are? Some family and friends have kindly referred to you as "Griffy," "Grif," "Fin," and to your sister you are fondly referred to as "Bobby." Have you guessed correctly? I'm talking about you Griffin.
At a recent baby shower these lucky ladies happily smiled for me and my camera. After toiling long hours in planning, assembling, setting up, and entertaining guests you would think that smiles would be found few and far between (but the pictures suggest otherwise). Job well done ladies. The guest of honor was more than elated to have friends who were loving and caring both in their attention to detail and to friendship. The event took place at Reza's on clark street in Chicago (my review of the restaurant at http://giselles.yelp.com/ ). Guests traveled from far and wide to take part in wishing many happy days, and sleepless nights to the soon-to-be-parents. At the time of this posting Anne and Roberto welcomed baby girl Isabella Lilliana. Congratulations!
The buds are opening and nature's colors are in full bloom. I wanted to add some images to the original post in honor of earth week. This tree sapling was given to my son from his kindergarten class. Each of the students received a sapling to plant. My son came home and immediately got down and dirty. Our neighbor was kind to help dig the hole and keep the tiny sapling from bending in the wind with these supports. My son ended up spending two more hours digging for worms and roly poly bugs.
Congratulations to Charmaine and Paul for introducing their baby girl Madelyn Antonia to the Christian World. The guests were also introduced to the newest member of the 'Terrific Two Club' Donovan Tiberius. The party combined a baptism and birthday all under one roof. The celebration culminated with two, yeah that is right, two cakes from Rolf's patisserie. The cakes were so heavenly good I had to order one for my own daughter's birthday. http://giselles.yelp.com Dessert did not stop there, oh no, melted Ghiradelli chocolate flowed silky and lovely like the waters of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory (you remember when Gustav falls in while slurping the rich goodness with his greedy hands, if only Gustav had listened to the *weak* warnings of Willy Wonka, he would not have been sucked up into the tunnel). I tend to go off on tangents. A chocolate fountain was served with fresh fruit, homemade banana bread and cookies, and more cake, pound cake. All the best to Donovan and Madelyn and their lucky parents. Cake #1
She is hard at work wondering how to work the program. Baby Phia since you have turned 2 your curiosity now can be communicated with your words. Always asking, "Why," and never taking no for an answer. No wonder these times of your youth are termed 'the Terrific Twos.' I hope you find the answers to all of life's questions.
This beautiful card was handmade for you from Ninang Detchy, Kuya Everest, Griffin, Hudson, and Kai Kai.
Following the advice of a friend I started this blog. I have been compiling all the images here from past events, gatherings, and situations. I will continue to chronicle as far into the future as I can see. Enjoy!